Friday 23 November 2018

Thinking activity on Paradise Lost by Milton.


 1) Write a critique on the character of Eve.

Ans :- Eve is the only Female character in paradise lost by John Milton. She was made from the Rib of Adam to help him in his work. She was so much beautiful that when Satan came he forgot about his main motive. when Satan and eve argues with each other we can see that she was fearful about god and his punishment. which shows that she was at lower level from Adam. when she ate from the tree of knowledge she used her free will to eat it because of curiosity. when she wanted to go to another place for work she argued with Adam because, she wanted to help Adam by working to another place so they can complete the work soon. her motive was very Nobel but it went in the wrong direction.
      She met with Satan and he tempted her to eat the fruit. When they argued she decided to eat the fruit was her free will that time she was not in pressure of anyone. but after eating she was fearful about God's punishment and thus she went to Adam and told everything and asked him also to eat. she wanted him also  to be punished by God or may be God will kill her and give him another eve so how can he live and she only die, he must die with her in oeder to to they love each other. That time she became selfish.

2) Whose arguments did you find more convincing?

Ans :- I think eve's arguments are more convincing. because, we can see logic in her argument.
when she argues with Adam about work and she wanted to go to another place.she argues that when they are together they waste time in watching each other and in singing songs of love so if they do work separate they won't waste time. when Satan came as a serpent it told her to eat the fruit but she argued about God's punishment.

  . . . her rash hand in evil hour
      Forth reaching to the fruit, 
      She pluck'd,  she eat;
       Earth felt the wound, and
       Nature from her seat
        Sighing through all her works 
        Gave signs of woe, 
        That all was lost.

3) How do you look at Divine Perspective in the Genesis of The Holy Bible and Human Perspective in John Milton's Paradise Lost Book IX?

Ans :- The story of Genesis in Bible is from God's perspective. the center was God in it. but in Milton's paradise lost book no 9 the center is a human. we can see that the eating of the fruit by eve is to gain knowledge but in Bible it was only Disobedience of God. 

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