In The very beginning when the movie started the music was of a flute and then suddenly when the background changes to a soldiers cap the music of trumpets starts playing, from my view this shows the domination of British government on India.
The plot goes as there is no rain for a year in the village and the villagers are waiting for the rain. there isn't enough water to drink also. the farmers whose work is totally dependent upon rain thus they are helpless.
The character of Bhuvan the protagonist of the movie is displayed very caring for animal.In his first scene we see that some British soldiers are about to shoot a dear and Bhuvan saves it from them but in the end he gets caught and taken to the Britishers.
The language of British soldiers was bad in a way. when they killed the dear they said ,"finally killed the DAMN creature. from this we can say that they were heartless. this kind of language for a speechless animal is not good sign.
When the raja goes to the soldier and asks to reduce the lagan. the British soldier asked him to eat non veg even though he knew that he is a pure vegetarian still he asked him to eat the non veg food and told him that if he will eat the lagan will be reduced. this kind of behavior with a king is not apt for any soldier.

Then the scene of bet came about winning the game of cricket over British and don't pay lagan for three years or if they loos they have to play triple lagan this year. this made bhuvan a game changer and he accepted the challenge.
Then the day of match came and the real face of British soldiers was reveled in that. that used bad language for villagers. and when the villagers started getting runs from playing this game good their personal rage came out when the captain said that knock his head down and the injured some of the villages while playing the game.
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