Friday 23 November 2018

Assignment Paper no- 1


                  Fault of God in various Myths

  • ·         Introduction:-

         There are many different religions on our earth and every religion has its many different and unique myths. God is the superior to our all. God made us all and this earth and we all are his best creation of God. Because of we are made by god. we call our self his children. But sometimes he is so unfair with mankind, there many event which reflects god as a bad character of some times powerless among Devil. And ultimately the debts are paid by Mankind. Let us through some light on gods FAULTS in some myths …  

  • ·         Man’s Disobedience :-

         In The Paradise lost the myth of Adam and eve comes. he  creation of earth and the creation on man and woman by God. In this chapter god created Haven and Earth. Then he created trees and herbs. Then he created first man out of dust and gave him life. Then he created woman out man’s Rib and some flesh. God put them in the Garden of Eden. God told them that they can eat from anywhere but they shouldn’t eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.  The Serpent tempts Eve to eat fruit from that tree and eve eats the fruit.
           Now Eve realizes that she had done a wrong thing which she was not supposed to do. She went to Adam and gave him also. Adam also ate the fruit. And then they realize about everything that they didn’t knew about. When God came he called out for Adam. He answered that he heard his voice and was afraid because he is naked so he hid himself from god. Then God asked about the fruit that if they had eaten any from the forbidden tree, Adam replied that eve ate one and she gave one to him to eat. Then God asked eve what have she done! Eve replied that serpent tempted her to eat the fruit.
   God became furious and said :

        To eve that she will produce children from her own body and will have so much pain in that process, he husband will rule over her. And to Adam he said

        Because you listened to your wife and ate fruit from the tree about which I commanded you, 'You must not eat from it,' "Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful hard work you will eat food from it all the days of your life.

  • ·       What is God’s Fault in Paradise lost :-
          God made Adam and Eve and he put them in the Garden of Eden. He also put the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden. He didn’t warn them both about the motifs of Demons or evil angels. His first fault in this is putting Adam eve and the tree of knowledge in a same garden. He can put them both separate in different places. And he should warn them about the motifs of fallen angels.
After eating the forbidden fruit by Adam and eve God being GOD should spare them. But in spite of sparing them he cursed them.  If God isn’t this much liberal then how he is divine and how he is almighty.   

  • ·       The Myth of Prometheus and Pandora :-
          Prometheus and Epimetheus were titans and sons impetus and clymene. They had two more brothers. He and Epimetheus were told to distribute characteristics to the newly created animals. Epimetheus started giving a positive trait to every animal, but lacking foresight, he realized that he had distributed all traits without having any left to give to man. So, Prometheus gave mankind the civilizing arts and fire by stealing from Zeus. Than he was punished by Zeus who ensured everyday that an eagle ate the liver of the Titan as he was helplessly chained to a rock.
     After this god Created Pandora and gave she was given as a gift to Epimetheus. She was created by the gods specifically to punish the humans. The marriage of Epimetheus and Pandora is not explicit in any source, but only implied; from their union, Pyrrha, their daughter, was born. Pandora was given a jar which contained all evils of humanity; curious to see what was inside, she opened it and all evils were released into the world. Shocked, she closed it as soon as she could, but only Hope remained trapped inside.

  • ·         What is the Fault of God in The Myth of  Prometheus and Pandora :-
          Fault of God in this myth is again he is too much furious about a did of Titan. Giving fire to human is again not such a big crime. It is helpful for humans. And the sympathy for humans led Prometheus to this. As he was immortal he was given punishment of eagle eating his liver every day, which is a infinite punishment for him.  
      Again Pandora which was given as gift to Epimetheus was given a jar and she was told not to open that but in curiosity she did open the jar and thus all evils of humanity came out.
 How can god be so angry with the humans whom are not at all responsible in this so called crime by god.

  • ·         Myth of Raktabija and Kali :-
          In Hindu Mythology Raktabija was an Asura impressed Lord Shiva and got a boon that he can reproduce his own self with his every drop of blood. He fought with Shumbha and Nishumbha against Goddess Durga and Goddess Kali or Goddess Chamunda. In this battel Raktabija was wounded, but drops of blood falling on the ground created innumerable other Raktabijas, and Ambika and the Matrikas were in difficulty. At this point, the Goddess Kali joined the battle, who stretched her tongue over the earth and licked up each drop of blood pouring from Raktabija's body while other goddesses wounded him. Kali devoured his duplicates into her gaping mouth. This form who drank the demon's blood is also called Raktheshwari.
  • ·         What is the fault of God in The Myth of Raktabija and Kali :-
         Many times Lord Shiva was displayed as a kind and very quickly impressing God that’s why many Demons got boons like immortality and endless powers.this is also an example of that. Without thinking twice He gave Raktabija a boon of making his own self from every drop of his blood and ultimately in the end Goddess herself has to find a way to kill this kind of devils. How can God be so thoughtless about the future and with this boon a bad person can perform such bad things.

  • ·       Myth of Hiranyakashipu :-  
         After Hiranyakashipu's younger Brother Hiranyaksha's death at the hands of the Varaha avatar of Vishnu, Hiranyakashipu comes to hate Vishnu. He decides to kill him by gaining mystical powers, which he believes Brahma  the chief among the devas, will award to him if he undergoes many years of great austerity and penance, just as Brahma awarded powers to other Rakshasas.
This initially seemed to work as planned, with Brahma becoming pleased by Hiranyakashipu's austerities. Brahma appears before Hiranyakashipu and offers him a boon of his choice. But when Hiranyakashipu asks for immortality, Brahma refuses. So he asked for a boon in which neither man nor animal can kill him. Neither in day nor in night. Neither in house nor out of house. Neither with hands nor with legs. Brahma agreed and gave him the boon. But his son was very devoted to lord Vishnu and was always preying to him. Hiranyakashipu didn’t like this and many time tried to kill his own son but every time his son Prahlada was saved by lord Vishnu. In the and lord Vishnu came in Narsimha avatar and killed Hiranyakashipu at the middle of the main door of house in the evening with half of his body of lion he killed him with his nails.
  • ·       What is the fault of god in the myth of Hiranyakashipu :-
          The fault of God is again giving boon without thinking twice about what can the person do with that boon in mankind. And without thinking giving boon than they think about how to kill the devil and to kill the devil they have to take a new avatar and find out new ways to kill them. 
  • Conclusion :- There are many myths with defines the faults of god like being a divine power still being furious in small matters , Error of their judgment , punishing mankind without any fault ,   giving boons which they themselves have to worry about and after making decision thinks about the results and then again thinks about their solution.

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