Thursday 29 November 2018

Presentation 4 Star crossed Lover Fakeer of Jungheera and Romeo & Juliet

Presentation krn 4 from pandyakaran1

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Presentation 3 Aristotle’s Definition Of Tragedy with the Example of Movie “Dhadak”

New ppt 3 from pandyakaran1

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Presentation 2 social highrarchy in Gulliver's travels

Presentation krn 2 from pandyakaran1

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Presentation on the quest of knowledge in Dr.Faustus and the movie Flatliners.

Presentation Paper 1 - Renaissance Literature from pandyakaran1

             click here     to evaluate my presentation  


Youth Festival 2018 "Aeshvaryam Yuva Manthan"

 On 26th , 27th and 28th October we had Youth festival in Bhavanagar University.Which has given the name of ASHWARIYAM. Festival was hosted by Takshashila institute of commerce & science college. Bhavanagar being cultural city of Gujrat,  Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavanagar University.

Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar  University has celebrated three days of Youth festival which has given the name as Ashvariyam Youth festival. This festival celebrated on 26th October to 28th October. In this festival there were many events like  One Act Play , Skit , Mono-acting , Poetry Recitation , on the spot Painting,  Collage, Cartooning, Rangoli, Installation, Photography , Poster Making , Western group song and solo song , Bhajan , Group Traditional Orchestra  etc. So the task given by Dilip Barad  Sir to watch this events and do critical observation and try to connect with various literary terms. Quiz and Essay writing competitions were organised at our department. On 26 October, the first round of Quiz was stared. On 27 October, the final round of quiz and essay writing were organised. The time of final round of quiz was at 9 a.m. , but it was postponed due to some problem of electricity. So the final round was began at 11 a.m..

I have particpated in one act play and installation.this was my first experience in participation of youth festival. i have not participated in youth festival in my Bachelors. I have attended only few of the events because of the lack of time and up-down from other town and prectice of my own event. But i have attended folk dance and mimicry. one student had participated in mimicry from sem 1. form semester 3 and one we have done a one act play which was named " SIKKA NI THRIJI BAJU ". the folk dance event was very good and we enjoyed it so much. by attending the events we knew more about folk culture and the pleasure which we can get by it. 


Some of the students got price in youth festival. the event was Rangoli, western singing and Group song.All of us enjoyed a lot in the youth festival as well as knew many new things from many different events and practice.      

Sunday 25 November 2018

LAGAN - movie review

       On this Independence Day we had a movie screening of LAGAN at our Department of English. The main purpose in watching this movie was to critically evaluate the main key points and to see the refraction of  Pre-Independence in the movie.

  In The very beginning when the movie started the music was of a flute and then suddenly when the background changes to a soldiers cap the music of trumpets starts playing, from my view this shows the domination of British government on India.

  The plot goes as there is no rain for a year in the village and the villagers are waiting for the rain. there isn't enough water to drink also. the farmers whose work is totally dependent upon rain thus they are helpless.

   The character of Bhuvan the protagonist of the movie is displayed very caring for animal.In his first scene we see that some British soldiers are about to shoot a dear and Bhuvan saves it from them but in the end he gets caught and taken to the Britishers.

  The language of British soldiers was bad in a way. when they killed the dear they said ,"finally killed the  DAMN creature. from this we can say that they were heartless. this kind of language for a speechless animal is not good sign.

    When the raja goes to the soldier and asks to reduce the lagan. the British soldier asked him to eat non veg even though he knew that he is a pure vegetarian still he asked him to eat the non veg food and told him that if he will eat the lagan will be reduced. this kind of  behavior with a king is not apt for any soldier.

   One day the black clouds filled with water set in the sky and everyone sang the song of happiness, in the song they tried to reflect that Hindus and Muslims were vary good in relation in that time. both were together in the song of rain but the clouds went away and rain didn't fell , this displays the reliability of human on nature.

  Another character was of Gauri, whom is fallen in love with bhuvan and bhuvan also realize that he also loves her but whenever she tries to talk about marriage bhuvna makes fun of her.
  Then the scene of bet came about winning the game of cricket over British and don't pay lagan for three years or if they loos they have to play triple lagan this year. this made bhuvan a game changer and he accepted the challenge.

When bhuvan was convincing everyone for the game one time ball went up to the hill and accidentally the bell rang so everyone thought that this is the wish of god to play the game. this kind of religious belief was there in that time.  

The sister of the British soldier came to bhuvan and helped them in learning the rules of the game. but the main problem was language because the villagers don't understand English language.the sister of British soldier fell in love with bhuvan and thus simultaneously two love story was going on.  
   Then the day of match came and the real face of British soldiers was reveled in that. that used bad language for villagers. and when the villagers started getting runs from playing this game good their personal rage came out when the captain said that knock his head down and the injured some of the villages while playing the game.

When Kachara came on the batting side they said that this is a sitting duck means this is a easy to catch pray . this kind of language displayed their frustration. and also the cast conflict is displayed as a big issue in this movie.   

Dryden's Drametic Poesy

  1) Do you find any difference between Aristotle's definition of Tragedy and    
  Dryden's definition of play?

Ans :- After Aristotle Dryden was the one who gave a we formed definition of Play. Both covered Imagination in their definition but in different the definition of tragedy Aristotle talks about imitation of action. While in the definition of play Dryden talks about a just and lively image of human nature.the end of the definition of Aristotle is with Catharsis but Dryden's definition ends with Delight.

2) If you are supposed to give your personal predilection, would you be on the side of the Ancient or the Modern? Please give reasons/ 

Ans :-  I will be on the side of Ancient because they were the first they are the beginners. they bring almost all the topics in writing. however they wrote on the myths but every time has its own image. may be in their time the readers liked to read or see plays which are based on myths. we can not judge them from this point.

3) Do you think that the arguments presented in favor of the French plays and against English plays are appropriate?

Ans :-Yes, the arguments in favor of french plays and against english are apt. Lisideus argues that English tragicomedy is very absurd but its not true. In English plays they are very lively by nature and also it has plots and subplots which French drama don't have. As per Neander's argues that French drama are like lifeless and they does not have a subplots like English drama have.

 4) What would be your preference so far as poetic or prosaic dialogues are concerned in the play?

Ans :- i like prosaic dialogues in play because if you want to add poetic dialog in a play mat be you should write poetry. play in not a play for you to write it. however it is true that poetic language gives a charm to play but if poetic language will overcome prosaic language than it would not make a good effect on coming Plays.

Sunday Reading: Talks by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

 This Blog is a part of Sunday Reading task given by teacher to know about the Novelist  Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and we have to discuss three videos given below. 

Here is the Link of the First Video  :-Click Here ! 
In this video she talked about the danger of single story which all have. and all belives the in their single story till they don't  know about the whole literature and world. everone have their own true stories.
 she talked about how was she in her childhood , bright and creative. when she started to write the effect of her reading British story in her writing.she wrote about white people. than she read African writers . but the British stories opened the world of imagination. till this she thought there was no one for this in African literature.

Here is the Link of the second video :- Click Here !

In second video she talks about faminism. she tells some incidents from her life and how others looks at a faminist or faminism. she talks about the quality of man and woman. there is only difference in the body of them. a woman can also do as much things which a man can. we should change our mindset. she talked about raising girls and giving them everything which a boy gets in this patriarchy.

Here is the link of the Third Video :- Click Here !

In third video is on well known term Post truth and truth. we all belives in the truth which was said by some political leaders. we should search truth in order to live life healthy. because if we believe in every word which they say we may lead to the downfall of democracy or an individual one.

Saturday 24 November 2018

Thinking activity on Wordsworth's Preface to Lyrical Ballad

Question.1]  What is the basic difference between the poetic creed of  'Classicism' and 'Romanticism'?

Ans:- the major difference between classicism and romanticism is classical writer and poets wrote with intellect as it is the guiding force and romantic wrote with imagination as it is the guiding force the shift was from intellect to imagination.
key words are :- restrain - liberty , freedom
classical master - medieval  - middle age
citylife - country side

Question.2] Why does Wordsworth say 'What" is poet? rather than who is poet?

Ans :-  From wardswarth's view poet is  human being ..who is overall "in degree" a far batter human being than ordinary human being.

Question.3] What is poetic diction?Which sort of poetic diction is suggested by Wordsworth  in his preface?

Ans :- key word :- Diction 
Diction means that the way of choosing words for a poem. 
wardswarth says that a real man will not do the poem in such ornamental language. so biography of literia coleridge asked him that whom he considers as a real man. the real man in a country side man this answers to coleridge is already given by wardswarth in his preface.

Question.4] What is poetry?

Ans :- Poetry is a kind of medium to teach the people  morality with delight Poetry is a breathe and finer spirit of all knowledge..According to Wordsworth,"Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings; it takes it origin from emotions recollected in tranquility".

Question.5] Discuss 'Daffodils - I wandered lonely as a cloud'with reference to Wordsworth's poetic creed.

Ans :- If one wants to elaborate the defination of wardswarth on poetry his very famous poem Daffodils is the best example. from very beginning the poem is in past tense till third stanza and in the last one the revelation of his recollection of memories when he went to walk in the nature which was captured by his eyes comes out with the powerful overflow which exactly is the definition he wants to tell us.

Robinson Crusoe

               On 22 September, we have watched the film of Robinson Crusoe which was directed by Luis Bunuel. Robinson Crusoe is a novel by Daniel Defoe. The story has been based on the life of Alexander Selkirk. Who lived for four years on a pacific island, which was renamed 'Robinson crusoe'.

             The first theme in the book is one of survival. In his experience being shipwrecked , Crusoe must think about what is absolutely necessary for physical survival.

The theme of survival leads to a second theme,w which is awareness that which our lives in civilization we constantly long for many things we do not actually need.
Thus Crusoe reflects on the theme, or sin , of covetousness.
                                                       (this is the picture of the island)

                  In the movie we find Robinson as  master and Friday as  Slave. Robinson’s behavior with Friday is like cruel. He talks with Friday in higher tone as like his boss or  master. He reaches Friday differences between white and Black people. He first teaches him MASTER  word. So we can say that this movie is about voyage and adventure of Crusoe.Even without any person he spends his life on island that scene touched me very well because we never think about life without any person. Even in absence of one or two members of family we feel something lonely and awkward. So it is admirable for Robinson that he has spent twenty eight years of his life without his family and also without any other person. So at last I want to say that this movie inspired me lot that nothing impossible without anything or anybody . If we decide to do something and if we try to make it fulfil it will surely fulfil. But attempt is necessary for any work.
                  Colonialism is very well presented through the character of Robinson Crusoe.From Robinson’s harsh language to the through changed in Friday’s life, those characters and those scenarios serves as an allegory of the colonial process. Robinson represented the discriminatory colonist, and Friday represented enslaved natives without identity. Robinson Crusoe’s harsh language, his imposition of the name, habit, culture, religion upon Friday, the mastering skill of Robinson, the complete change in Friday’s life, the setting up of a new empire in the deserted island all represented the colonial process. There are also some scene which raise our curiosity.For instance how Crusoe tries to stand his own empire on Island and also his efforts to build a shelter and his ways of living these all things are also shown that how difficult or struggleful life he has to face on Island as a sole survivor.

           The movie gave us much understanding about the novel Robinson Crusoe. But as Sir Dr. Dilip Barad says that we must watch movie to have an better understanding. the movie is directed from the perspective of the Director if we consider it as Answers it may harm our marks.  

Friday 23 November 2018

Thinking activity:- Coleridge's Biographia Literaria

       The Biographia Literaria is a critical work by Samuel Taylor Coleridge which is contained in 24 chapter.In this critical disquisition,Coleridge concerns himself not only with the practice of criticism but also with its theory.In the chapter of XIV of Biographia Literaria,Coleridge's view on nature and function of poetry is discussed in Philosophical term. The difference between prose and poem is discussed by Coleridge and the difference between poetry and poem is discussed by philosopher.

  • Difference between Poem and Prose. 
               If we see the difference between poem and prose we can not find a huge difference in very hard to find the clear cut difference and dissimilarities in them. The main difference between these two is related with the object.The language of poem is sometimes highly ornamental and also we find complexity of word.While in the Prose,the language  is very straight forward and we do not find a use of rhyme and meter like poem.To make the poem decorative,poet uses some meter or rhyme which brings artificiality in it. prose are for giving information where as poems are to give pleasure. 

  • Difference between poem and poetry.
   Poem and Poetry also has a thine line between them which can separate them.  A poem is the arrangement of words which can be described as something made or created.A poem is a literary term written in verse with rhyme,meter and musicality which give us delight.While the poetry can be described as a activity of poet's mind,as Coleridge points out that "poetry of the highest kind may exist without meter and even without the contra-distinguishing objects of poem".
               He also adds that 'poetry' is an activity of mind and a poem is merely one of the forms of its expression, a verbal expression of that activity is basically an activity of imagination. If we look at this art of work than it can be also considered as a poetry.

Thinking activity on Paradise Lost by Milton.


 1) Write a critique on the character of Eve.

Ans :- Eve is the only Female character in paradise lost by John Milton. She was made from the Rib of Adam to help him in his work. She was so much beautiful that when Satan came he forgot about his main motive. when Satan and eve argues with each other we can see that she was fearful about god and his punishment. which shows that she was at lower level from Adam. when she ate from the tree of knowledge she used her free will to eat it because of curiosity. when she wanted to go to another place for work she argued with Adam because, she wanted to help Adam by working to another place so they can complete the work soon. her motive was very Nobel but it went in the wrong direction.
      She met with Satan and he tempted her to eat the fruit. When they argued she decided to eat the fruit was her free will that time she was not in pressure of anyone. but after eating she was fearful about God's punishment and thus she went to Adam and told everything and asked him also to eat. she wanted him also  to be punished by God or may be God will kill her and give him another eve so how can he live and she only die, he must die with her in oeder to to they love each other. That time she became selfish.

2) Whose arguments did you find more convincing?

Ans :- I think eve's arguments are more convincing. because, we can see logic in her argument.
when she argues with Adam about work and she wanted to go to another place.she argues that when they are together they waste time in watching each other and in singing songs of love so if they do work separate they won't waste time. when Satan came as a serpent it told her to eat the fruit but she argued about God's punishment.

  . . . her rash hand in evil hour
      Forth reaching to the fruit, 
      She pluck'd,  she eat;
       Earth felt the wound, and
       Nature from her seat
        Sighing through all her works 
        Gave signs of woe, 
        That all was lost.

3) How do you look at Divine Perspective in the Genesis of The Holy Bible and Human Perspective in John Milton's Paradise Lost Book IX?

Ans :- The story of Genesis in Bible is from God's perspective. the center was God in it. but in Milton's paradise lost book no 9 the center is a human. we can see that the eating of the fruit by eve is to gain knowledge but in Bible it was only Disobedience of God. 

Assignment paper no - 4

    Gandhian Ideology in R K Narayan ‘s

      work and Indian Writing In English

  • ·       INTRODUCTION:-

Gandhi is the well-known figure world-wide who fought against the British Rule over India and made India free. He was the follower of Non-Violence and peace and truth. As we all know that literature is the reflection of society so that literature has also an influence Gandhi in it. Only few writers wrote about Gandhi and his ideas. R K Narayan was one of them. He was a pre independence writer of Indian. And the situation of that time reflects in his work.
     India writing in English began in the pre independence era. When is began it gave the voice to natural feelings. But later on it could not escape the inevitable element of nationalism. That time the public of India was so much frustrated with the British government that’s why it reflects in the works of the writers of that time. The main theme in writing was colonialism, exploitation, and awakening. There were three writers R K Narayana , Mulk Raj Anand, Raja Rao who wrote about the real situation of contemporary India.

  • ·       Mahatma Gandhi in Pre-Independence India :-

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi is the father of Indian nation because he succeeded in giving India its freedom back from British rule. He has the weapon of peace and non-violence. Under his leadership the movement took place.

  • ·       Gandhian Ideology :-

Gandhi was a political leader still he gave priority to Religion.
He gave the message of AHINSA which is one of the most important messages in Hinduism. Gandhi has the influence of RAMAYANA and BHAGAVAT GITA on is a well known fact. Not only these two but QURAN and BIBLE have also the same respects in his mind.


Gandhi was not only the leader who made India free but he remained an influential figure in Indian life and literature. Gandhi wrote many things but it was in Gujarati but it is now available in English also. Gandhi was the source of inspiration to write of many writers. All prominent Indian writers in English have written about Gandhi. Rao, Anand, Narayan are the important authors to praise. Some of this writer gave voice to the Gandhian thoughts and ideas. In brief , Gandhian philosophy and ideology has invariable motivated and invigorated the contemporary Indian writers and a huge corpus of contemporary Indian writing is Fore grounded on Gandhi.        

  • ·       Gandhi’s idea of truth :-

Truth or satya is the most important thing for Gandhi. Gandhi considers the power of truth as controlling the universe. It is synonymous to god and amounts to sincerity of heart and inner force of soul that implies the discovery of one’s own self. He balanced his social, political and spiritual life on the foundation of truth. According to the Gandhian concept of truth, “The instruments of the quest of truth are as simple as they are different.” In Narayana’s novel his characters are in search of truth and self. There is a mixture of Gandhism and pseudo-Gandhism in his most of the novels. Narayan exposes the class of pseudo-gandhism as Jagan, Sriram and delineates the process of transformation in the protagonist in their search for truth and self-realization.

  • ·       R K Narayan And Gandhiyan Ideology :-

Gandhiyan ideology was covered by R K Narayan in many of his novels. Like waiting for mahatma, The Vendor of sweet, The English Teacher, The man eater of malgudi, In Narayan’s imaginary town he has artistically interwoven Gandhiyan ideology in these novels. His works mamifest the multifarious facets of Gandhian ideology.

  • ·       Gandhian idea of non-violence :-

Gandhian idea of non-violence can be seen in the novels of R K Nrayana. In one of his novel there is a reference of mahatma arrival. From when Gandhi had mass appeal a huge gathering if Malgudian citizen are waiting on the bank of Saryu to receive their beloved leader. Volunteers in white khadi maintained the law and order at place of meeting. Despite severe heat, the crowd sat patiently and uncomplainingly on the hot sand. When the mahatma came at the venue and gave his speech. The words of mahatma were like this, “No good, not enough. I like to see more vigor in your arms more rhythm, more spirit. It must be like the drum beat of non-violent soldiers marching to cut the chains that bind Mother India … I want to see unity in it.”

  • ·       Gandian idea as myth in Raj Rao’s Kanthapura:-

In this novel of Raja Rao the story of a village Kanthapura is given. This novel is a Semi autobiography of Raja Rao. His major focus was on the cast conflict of that time.The difference between Bramhins, Shudra and pariahs was one of the biggest issues in that time. The story is narrated by Achchka whom is a widow.   At that time one side freedom fight was going on and at the other side the people of this village didn’t even knew about that. Young man Moorthy who came back from the university came to knew about Gandhi and is movement. Thus he came back to his village and saw the situation of village. He tried to tell them about Gandhi and his movement. but being villagers they were not interested. Moorthy found a new way to talk about Gandhi and explain the situation. Jayramachar knew that all the villagers are mad in the name of religion. So he took the story of Ramayana. In which he made Gandhi Ram sita as bharat mata and English men as ravan or evil side as Ravana. He started convincing them. The people thought that Gandhi was an angle of god.  We can see that uneducated people do believe in myth of god and not in real life hero. The main theme was to reflect the cast problem and the freedom fight. Bade khan was a policeman who was Muslim so no one gave him a house to stay because of his cast. The story goes on as there was no rain in the village thus farmers were not able to give lagan so British soldier. That’s why British man took their farms in their custody. Many of the family leave the village and settles down in a village named Kashipura.
      At that time Gandhiji and Lord Ervin did a settlement. After that many outsider people comes and starts living there. The main focus was to display the power of non-violence and Gandhi with the help of religious myth.


Indian writing in English in pre-independence time the influence of Mahatma Gandhi was too much on many writers and people. And the problems of cast conflict and class conflict with also some others problems of society. The writers tried to reflect all types of good and bad point in their work in pre-independence. The Gandhian idea of Non-violence and peace also shines out in their work.
