Sunday 30 September 2018

Views on Mario Vargas's Interview

 On June 27,
 Mario Vargas was interviewed by The World Post which was named

Reading 'Lolita' in the #MeToo era

 From the interview I liked this five views of Sir Mario Vargas...

  • Literature is a testimony of what we want to hide in the real word. This is the raison d’être of literature. You cannot attack literature for our vices and prejudices and stupidities. I think this is very important because I am convinced that the feminist movement’s voice should be heard, but I don’t accept this idea of censorship for literature or for culture in general.

  •  The power of idea :- Young people today tend to think that images can form modern creative citizens. They don’t. Images create a passive citizen, more easily domesticated than the citizen formed by ideas

  • History and literature are faces of a coin. They are so close, and in many cases, the literary version of a historical part prevails over a historian’s account.

  • Writing was a way to participate in the creation of a different kind of society: freer, more just, more liberal.

  •  The ideas of Sartre encouraged me to become a writer and made me understand that writing was not only for creating pleasure but also a tool for change.

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