Sunday 19 August 2018

Thinking Activity on Dr. Faustus: A Play by Christopher Marlowe

1) The play directed by Matthew Dunster for Globe theater ends with this scene (see the image of Lucifer). What does it signify?

 Ans:- The picture given below signifies that Evil powers got what they want. Lucifer is standing at the middle of the stage and his wings are wide open as if he won the battle over a superpower and if we relate it with god, he actually won the battle over Gods powers. Dr.Faustus died and now he will perpetually burn in fires of hell. As Mephistopheles said; earlier in the play that, Lucifer wants to enlarge his army of souls. so now Dr.Faustus is dead and now his soul is under the rule of Lucifer , the expression on his face are mixed of satisfaction and victory.

 2) Is God present in the play? If yes, where and how? If No, why?

Ans:- No we can not say that god was there in the play. But we can say that the "old man" is MAY BE God or Gods voice or messenger from God who came to warn Dr.Faustus. - "O gentle Faustus, leave this  damned art, This magic, that will charm thy soul to hell, And quite bereave thee of salvation! Though thou hast now offended like a man, Do not persevere in it like a devil: Yet, yet thou hast an amiable soul, If sin by custom grow not into nature; Then, Faustus, will repentance come too late; Then thou art banish'd from the sight of heaven: No mortal can express the pains of hell". Also we can say that  the Good angle and the 2 scholar are sent by god to want Dr.Faustus.

 3) What reading and interpretation can be given to this image (see the image of Daedalus and Icarus) with reference to central theme of the play Dr. Faustus?

Ans :- The picture tells the story of the Greek mythology of Daedalus and Icarus who were father and son caught in a jail which hasn't ceiling. They made waxen wings and escaped from the jail but Icarus's father warned him about the fact that if he shouldn't goto much in the sky because the heat from sun will melt the wings and he will fall. Still Icarus goes high in the sky and falls down from sky.
    We can relate this play of Dr.Faustus with the error of judgment of both Faustus and Icarus. Both knew the fact that after certain time they will fall down ( Icarus from the sky and Faustus with death and soul will burn in hell perpetually).

 4) How do you interpret this painting?

Ans:- As i explained above this picture is also related with the mythology of Daedalus and Icarus. The picture signifies the fall of Icarus from sky and the name of the picture is "Landscape with The Fall of Icarus ".  The scene in this picture is when Icarus fell down in the sea and was drowning (at the bottom right corner in the picture). It is believed that the shepherd who is looking in the sky is Looking at Daedalus and thinking that god is coming to them. this is the interpretation of the picture named "Landscape with The Fall of Icarus " by - Pieter Bruegel.

Landscape with The Fall of Icarus :- []

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